Rise of the City State

If you’ve been keeping an eye on world affairs lately, you’ll notice that Catalonia, an autonomous region of Spain, has…

North Korea

Hi everyone, Just updating the site slightly as I start to come back online and begin thinking up stuff to…


This will be my last post on Muslims and Islam in general, as it is becoming too dangerous in the…

Under This Sign

Human beings will often interpret and re-invent things so that those things aid them in a particular cause. Usually, those…

The Curious Case of Poland

The EU is showing itself as an evil, autocratic organisation as it tries to force Poland to commit cultural suicide.…

Why Would Russia Be Pleased?

President Donald Trump recently released a statement which went something along the lines of, “Excuse me, President Putin? Are you seeing…


One of the most impressive things about humanity is how hard we work to try to convince ourselves that things…


There’s a theory that kicks around sometimes about urban art. It goes something like this: that urban art tells you…